
3 Things You Can Do to Prevent a Burglary

Your home is like your castle and a sanctuary from the world, and nothing feels worse than someone breaking in. Not only do you potentially lose money from a theft, it can feel like a massive invasion of your privacy and can lead to you feeling unsafe in your own home. That’s why it’s important to avoid a burglary whenever possible and here are some things all homeowners should do.

  1. Change your locks when you move in

There are many people who may have keys to your home without you knowing:

  • Previous owners or tenants
  • Letting or estate agents who’ve held viewings
  • Neighbours who have been given the keys to feed pets etc.
  • Any previous cleaners, dog walkers or other people who’ve had to access the home

Even if the original keys were returned, it’s not difficult or expensive to make a copy of a key, so when you move into a place you simply don’t know who might have access. For your own peace of mind, get your locks changed.

  1. Use strong exterior doors

You may be surprised to hear that in a large percentage of burglary cases, thieves have simply been able to pry open a front or back door with a device such as a crowbar, getting access to their victim’s house in seconds. Wooden or PVC doors are especially weak, and you may be surprised how quickly a skilled burglar could get into your home. It’s worth looking for extra protection such as Busselton security doors, which act as a deterrent and make a burglar’s life so much harder.

  1. Get someone to ‘break in’ to your house

It can be difficult to be objective when it comes to your own home security. While you may think your house is impenetrable, other people may spot weaknesses that you don’t. Get a trusted friend or loved one round and ask them how they’d break into your house. You may be surprised how easy it is. Think about it this way, if you lost your keys, could you still get in? If the answer is yes, then you may have a problem.

Nobody wants to deal with the fallout from a burglary, so make today the day you commit to better home security. From stronger doors to better locks, you can make it less likely you’ll suffer the trauma of a burglary, and can feel safer at home.

Tags : Busselton security doors